First I made Helena, from Knitty, with Cascade Sierra Quatro. This is a great pattern! Very pretty, and knit up quite quickly. I used two skeins of yarn and literally had to patch bits together to finish this, for size 3 months. Very cute for spring!

Second, I made Anouk, also from Knitty, by Kate Gilbert. I used the Cascade Pima Tencel recommended by the pattern. I have always admired this little smock, and decided it was time to make it. I am not the best at intarsia, but I think it turned out very nicely. I knit this in the 3 month size. It is pretty tiny. I finished this on my birthday, but still need to find some cute buttons. I have some left over from Helena, but they are too small.

Now, just need to make a few little hats, and maybe some booties...