A few weekends ago, a new piece of furniture came into my life:
This is the
Hoosier -Style cabinet we picked up at a local antique/collectible shop. I didn't know how much I wanted one of these until I spotted this one. It isn't an actual Hoosier cabinet -- that would have cost us quite a bit more money... but it looks a lot like the one we had in my family kitchen growing up. I think having this in my kitchen now is reconnecting me to my old 'home' -- it feels very comforting. The finish has this pale spring green wash to the oak-like wood, like a table of my grandmother's that I have.
Here is a photo of the table from our old condo in Massachusetts:

Someday maybe I'll have a studio and can have the two pieces together in the same room! The table is currently being stored in our basement...
For now, the Hoosier is in the kitchen, a much better item of furniture to store all my craft and office-y stuff than the previous setup, especially with a rambling infant prowling around.
It is definitely an inspiration to me right now -- and is influencing my current projects. I've been doing a lot of embroidery, and have some special projects up my sleeve...