It starts between 6-6:30 (Ethan (husband) is already on his way to work at this point). I get out of bed and get myself ready in 10-15 minutes.
Next I go in to wake or pick up AJ who is either stirring, 'talking' or crying a little to be freed from the crib. After nursing, I get him ready, get all his food and supplies ready for 'school' (daycare) and we're there between 7- 7:15 most days. Sometimes we have a few magic glimpses at the wildlife outside.

Some of the food that goes with AJ to daycare.

A turkey hanging out in the backyard.

Next I'm in the car for 40 -50 minutes, depending on traffic. I wish I wasn't commuting. But for now, this is reality.
I arrive at the parking garage, and head out for my 15 minute walk to the library.

Get in to my desk between 8-8:15. After email/calendar/blogreader checking, I do a little work and then pump between 9:30-10, depending on meetings. Today I get out of a meeting about online finding aids at 10.
The pumping room is really just an alcove in a storage room several flights down from my desk... see my pump bag in the distance?

I try to relax while pumping - knitting, (currently working on the Seascape shawl from the latest Knitty with my favorite yarn - Rowan kidsilk night in Macbeth), reading, and sometimes doing work.

Now I'm back at my desk. Most of my work is on the computer. Makings sure the 'systems' I manage as a systems librarian are working. I consult with a staff member from the cataloging department on some records that don't look quite right. I make some updates to configurations for a vendor who is changing their urls for certain databases. I check some log files on the server.
Quick lunch break around noon. If I don't have a lunch meeting or lunch date, I usually eat at my desk, but I do get out to grab some food and some coffee, usually.

Today I run into a good friend on the street. After a quick chat, I grab some soup at Au Bon Pain.

And then take a quick stroll to the main entrance. For a little inspiration. This building is beautiful.

Now some review of documents and notes while I eat lunch. Today I am gathering notes for a system upgrade for one of our database systems.

At 2-3, I go downstairs again to pump.
Then back up the stairs for some work testing out some changes to the library opac, and some research of some online training opportunities since it is quite difficult for me to go away for training given my non-work mama schedule.
Between 4-4:15 I'm leaving for the walk to the car. Feeling a little worn out today. A little sullen. Maybe it is the weather -- grey all day and kinda humid. But a good walk to the car with time to meditate on the day and where I'm 'at' will do some good.
I have a 35-45 minute drive, where I arrive at daycare and collect the boy. Some days Ethan gets him since he doesn't have class in the summer, or we both get him (we can walk there, it is very nice!). We try to soak up as much time with AJ as we can. The 2 hours with him each night never feels like enough.

Get home, nurse, visit the cows, play in the living room/kitchen, feed AJ dinner, give AJ a bath, put on PJs, read books, nurse, put AJ to bed at about 7 (he either goes right to sleep or we have to 'shh' him and sit in the room until he falls asleep. I usually get my clothes for the next day together once he is asleep.
Saying goodnight to the cows

Papa in his comfy pants, sneaking in a mid-week load of laundry

Ethan and I usually eat dinner after AJ is asleep -- and wash bottles, dishes, pumping parts. Prepare AJ's food for the next day. Prepare pumping bag for the next day. Then spend 30 minutes to an hour relaxing -- watching tv (lately the Daily Show, the Colbert Report, So you think you can dance, and soon, Project Runway), talking, checking computer. Sometimes a little more knitting... depends on how exhausted I am. Also, more lovely glimpses of the scenery outside. Dreams of having more time to be creative...
After a shower, and sometimes a little reading, it is lights out between 9:45-10:30. AJ is up once or twice a night for a quick nurse.. and then it starts again!